Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 4 Case Study (1)

case study (1)

Q 1. How would you classify Barbie as a product—as a convenience, shopping, or specialty product? Discuss why you chose that particular classification given the amount of shopping effort required by consumers to purchase a Barbie and the strategy utilized by Mattel to market Barbie. 2. American Girl, another line of popular dolls, also is manufactured and distributed by Mattel. Contrast the American Girl marketing strategy with that used by Mattel to market Barbie. Where do the strategies differ and where are they similar? 3. Discuss the various marketing strategies Mattel executives may use for Monster High as it progresses through the stages of the product life cycle. What aspects of the marketing mix should be emphasized at each stage and discuss why you believe those aspects are most important.

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Barbie doll by Mattel can be considered as a specialty product. It is because it does not have any seasonal customers. People buy this product on special occasions like birthday, Christmas and various others. One more reason to specify this item as specialty good is people can easily spend their life without this product yet they try to spend more money and effort to get a Barbie doll. Actually, it had no such use like other consumer goods; it is often used as home decorations (Jauregui, 2019). Children used to play with this and that is all. Rest of the definitions of specialty good can also be applied here.